[R] extracting posterior variances of random effects (lme vs. lmer)

Sam Field fieldsh at mail.med.upenn.edu
Sat Apr 12 17:04:51 CEST 2008


I am having trouble locating documentation on how one extracts posterior 
variances of the random effects from an lme object.  I have found equivalent 
documentation for lmer(using ranef()), but nothing for lme.  Any help would be 
greatly appreciated!


********Note the new contact information*******

Samuel H. Field, Ph.D. 
Senior Research Investigator
CHERP/Division of Internal Medicine - University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia VA Medical Center
3900 Woodland Ave (9 East)
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 823-5800 EXT. 6155 (Office)
(215) 823-6330 (Fax)

********Note the new contact information*******

Samuel H. Field, Ph.D. 
Senior Research Investigator
CHERP/Division of Internal Medicine - University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia VA Medical Center
3900 Woodland Ave (9 East)
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 823-5800 EXT. 6155 (Office)
(215) 823-6330 (Fax)

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