[R] New Special Interest Group Mailing List - R-sig-ecology

Hollister.Jeff at epamail.epa.gov Hollister.Jeff at epamail.epa.gov
Wed Apr 16 15:57:31 CEST 2008


A new Special Interest Group devoted to the use or R in ecology has been
created.   The list came about through a very thorough and scientific
survey that identified a need (i.e. I chatted with Sarah Goslee at a
recent conference and she agreed that this might be a good idea).
Myself and Sarah will serve as the list administrators and are anxious
to grow the list and include anyone who is interested in R and its use
in ecology, environmental science, and/or natural resources.  The
primary purpose of the R-sig-ecology is to provide a forum to discuss
the use of R, through statistical methods, scripting, data management,
etc., by those who are studying and analyzing ecological data.
Additionally, through R-sig-ecology we hope to encourage and foster the
use of R by ecologists and as such welcome users of all experiences.

If you are interested in ecology and R, head on over to
https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-ecology to subscribe.


Dr. Jeffrey W. Hollister
Atlantic Ecology Division
27 Tarzwell Drive
Narragansett, RI 02882
(401) 782-9655

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