[R] Function redefinition - not urgent, but I am curious

Alberto Monteiro albmont at centroin.com.br
Fri Apr 18 14:22:22 CEST 2008

This is just my curiousity working.

Suppose I write:

f1 <- function(x) x + 1
f2 <- function(x) 2 * f1(x)
# 22
f1 <- function(x) x - 1
# 18

This is quite obvious. But is there any way to define f2
in such a way that we "freeze" the definition of f1?

f1 <- function(x) x + 1
f2 <- function(x) 
# put something here
2 * f1(x)
# probably put something else here too

# 22
f1 <- function(x) x - 1
# 22 - f1 inside f2 does not change

Alberto Monteiro

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