[R] lmer model building--include random effects?

Ista Zahn istazahn at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 15:35:04 CEST 2008

On Apr 23, 2008, at 8:56 AM, Douglas Bates wrote:

> On 4/22/08, Ista Zahn <istazahn at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This is a follow up question to my previous one http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e4/help/08/02/3600.html
>> I am attempting to model relationship satisfaction (MAT) scores
>> (measurements at 5 time points), using participant (spouseID) and
>> couple id (ID) as grouping variables, and time (years) and conflict
>> (MCI.c) as predictors. I have been instructed to include random
>> effects for the slopes of both predictors as well as the intercepts,
>> and then to drop non-significant random effects from the model. The
>> instructor and the rest of the class is using HLM 6.0, which gives p-
>> values for random effects, and the procedure is simply to run a  
>> model,
>> note which random effects are not significant, and drop them from the
>> model. I was hoping I could to something analogous by using the anova
>> function to compare models with and without a particular random
>> effect, but I get dramatically different results than those obtained
>> with HLM 6.0.
>> For example, I wanted to determine if I should include a random  
>> effect
>> for the variable "MCI.c" (at the couple level), so I created two
>> models, one with and one without, and compared them:
>>> m.3 <- lmer(MAT ~ 1 + years + MCI.c + (1 + years | spouseID) + (1 +
>> years + MCI.c | ID), data=Data, method = "ML")
>>> m.1 <- lmer(MAT ~ 1 + years + MCI.c  + (1 + years + MCI.c |
>> spouseID) + (1 + years + MCI.c | ID), data=Data, method = "ML")
>>> anova(m.1, m.3)
>> Data: Data
>> Models:
>> m.3: MAT ~ 1 + years + MCI.c + (1 + years | spouseID) + (1 + years +
>> m.1:     MCI.c | ID)
>> m.3: MAT ~ 1 + years + MCI.c + (1 + years + MCI.c | spouseID) + (1 +
>> m.1:     years + MCI.c | ID)
>>     Df     AIC     BIC  logLik  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
>> m.3 12  5777.8  5832.7 -2876.9
>> m.1 15  5780.9  5849.5 -2875.4 2.9428      3     0.4005
>> The corresponding output from HLM 6.0 reads
>>  Random Effect           Standard      Variance     df    Chi-  
>> square   P-value
>>                          Deviation     Component
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  INTRCPT1,       R0      6.80961      46.37075      60   
>> 112.80914    0.000
>>     YEARS slope, R1      1.49329       2.22991      60  59.38729     
>> >.500
>>       MCI slope, R2      5.45608      29.76881      60    
>> 90.57615    0.007
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> To me, this seems to indicate that HLM 6.0 is suggesting that the
>> random effect should be included in the model, while R is suggesting
>> that it need not be. This is not (quite) a "why do I get different
>> results with X" post, but rather an "I'm worried that I might be  
>> doing
>> something wrong" post. Does what I've done look reasonable? Is  
>> there a
>> better way to go about it
> The first thing I would try to determine is whether the model fit by
> HLM is equivalent to the model you have fit with lmer.  The part of
> the HLM model output you have shown lists only variance components.
> It does not provide covariances or correlations.  The lmer model is
> fitting a 3 by 3 symmetric positive definite variance-covariance
> matrix with a total of 6 parameters - 3 variances and 3 covariances.
> It may be that HLM is fitting a simpler model in which the covariances
> are all zero.
Yes, I was also concerned that the model I fit in R may not be exactly  
the model fit by HLM. The estimates are similar but not exact. The  
model summaries from HLM and R are as follows:


   The outcome variable is      MAT

   The model specified for the fixed effects was:

    Level-1                Level-2           Level-3
    Coefficients           Predictors        Predictors
  ---------------------  ---------------   ----------------
         INTRCPT1, P0      INTRCPT2, B00    INTRCPT3, G000
      YEARS slope, P1      INTRCPT2, B10    INTRCPT3, G100
  *     MCI slope, P2      INTRCPT2, B20    INTRCPT3, G200

  '*' - This variable has been centered around its group mean

  Summary of the model specified (in equation format)

Level-1 Model

	Y = P0 + P1*(YEARS) + P2*(MCI) + E

Level-2 Model

	P0 = B00 + R0
	P1 = B10 + R1
	P2 = B20 + R2

Level-3 Model

	B00 = G000 + U00
	B10 = G100 + U10
	B20 = G200 + U20

Run-time deletion has reduced the number of level-1 records to 716

 For starting values, data from 716 level-1 and 120 level-2 records  
were used

Iterations stopped due to small change in likelihood function
******* ITERATION 1008 *******

  Sigma_squared =    110.43050

  Standard Error of Sigma_squared =      7.77797

  INTRCPT1,P0     46.37075      5.48151     -5.91342
     YEARS,P1      5.48151      2.22991      5.80536
       MCI,P2     -5.91342      5.80536     29.76881

Tau(pi) (as correlations)
  INTRCPT1,P0  1.000  0.539 -0.159
     YEARS,P1  0.539  1.000  0.713
       MCI,P2 -0.159  0.713  1.000

Standard Errors of Tau(pi)
  INTRCPT1,P0     16.35658      6.70855     14.39441
     YEARS,P1      6.70855      4.81811      8.57942
       MCI,P2     14.39441      8.57942     22.49454

   Random level-1 coefficient   Reliability estimate
   INTRCPT1, P0                        0.482
      YEARS, P1                        0.074
        MCI, P2                        0.202

  INTRCPT1        YEARS          MCI
   116.72824     -0.09171     14.21000
    -0.09171      2.81646     -0.17231
    14.21000     -0.17231      1.90065

Tau(beta) (as correlations)
  INTRCPT1/INTRCPT2,B00  1.000 -0.005  0.954
     YEARS/INTRCPT2,B10 -0.005  1.000 -0.074
       MCI/INTRCPT2,B20  0.954 -0.074  1.000

Standard Errors of Tau(beta)
  INTRCPT1        YEARS          MCI
    30.50218      7.45597     15.16454
     7.45597      3.73945      6.40333
    15.16454      6.40333     16.72669

   Random level-2 coefficient   Reliability estimate
   INTRCPT1/INTRCPT2, B00               0.716
      YEARS/INTRCPT2, B10               0.167
        MCI/INTRCPT2, B20               0.027

The value of the likelihood function at iteration 1008 = -2.859327E+003
 The outcome variable is      MAT

  Final estimation of fixed effects:
                                       Standard             Approx.
     Fixed Effect        Coefficient   Error      T-ratio   d.f.     P- 
  For       INTRCPT1, P0
     For INTRCPT2, B00
       INTRCPT3, G000    124.486031    1.638650     75.969       59     
  For    YEARS slope, P1
     For INTRCPT2, B10
       INTRCPT3, G100     -6.257696    0.518369    -12.072       59     
  For      MCI slope, P2
     For INTRCPT2, B20
       INTRCPT3, G200     -3.698127    1.052597     -3.513       59     

  The outcome variable is      MAT

  Final estimation of fixed effects
  (with robust standard errors)
                                       Standard             Approx.
     Fixed Effect        Coefficient   Error      T-ratio   d.f.     P- 
  For       INTRCPT1, P0
     For INTRCPT2, B00
       INTRCPT3, G000    124.486031    1.632622     76.249       59     
  For    YEARS slope, P1
     For INTRCPT2, B10
       INTRCPT3, G100     -6.257696    0.512071    -12.220       59     
  For      MCI slope, P2
     For INTRCPT2, B20
       INTRCPT3, G200     -3.698127    1.003180     -3.686       59     

  Final estimation of level-1 and level-2 variance components:
  Random Effect           Standard      Variance     df    Chi- 
square   P-value
                          Deviation     Component
  INTRCPT1,       R0      6.80961      46.37075      60      
112.80914    0.000
     YEARS slope, R1      1.49329       2.22991      60       
59.38729    >.500
       MCI slope, R2      5.45608      29.76881      60       
90.57615    0.007
   level-1,       E      10.50859     110.43050

  Final estimation of level-3 variance components:
  Random Effect           Standard      Variance     df    Chi- 
square   P-value
                          Deviation     Component
INTRCPT1/INTRCPT2, U00    10.80408     116.72824    59      
208.29109    0.000
    YEARS/INTRCPT2, U10     1.67823       2.81646    59       
75.45893    0.073
      MCI/INTRCPT2, U20     1.37864       1.90065    59       
64.47689    0.291

  Statistics for current covariance components model
Deviance                       = 5718.653097
Number of estimated parameters = 16


 > m.1 <- lmer(MAT ~ 1 + years + MCI.c  + (1 + years + MCI.c |  
spouseID) + (1 + years + MCI.c | ID), data=Data, method = "ML")
 > summary(m.1)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
Formula: MAT ~ 1 + years + MCI.c + (1 + years + MCI.c | spouseID) + (1  
+      years + MCI.c | ID)
    Data: Data
   AIC  BIC logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance
  5781 5850  -2875       5751         5746
Random effects:
  Groups   Name        Variance  Std.Dev. Corr
  spouseID (Intercept)  45.90014  6.77496
           years         2.52945  1.59042  0.559
           MCI.c        28.31849  5.32151 -0.082  0.781
  ID       (Intercept) 124.32049 11.14991
           years         2.82449  1.68062 -0.218
           MCI.c         0.20084  0.44815  0.140 -0.533
  Residual             110.96358 10.53392
number of obs: 720, groups: spouseID, 120; ID, 60

Fixed effects:
             Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 124.4506     1.6757   74.27
years        -6.2569     0.5211  -12.01
MCI.c        -3.5637     1.0228   -3.48

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
       (Intr) years
years -0.251
MCI.c -0.152  0.567

The results do differ in places, but most of the estimates are similar  
so I was assuming that the differences were due to different  
underlying algorithms used by the two programs. I may well have been  
wrong about this.

> The next question would be exactly how HLM is calculating that
> p-value.  I wonder where the 60 degrees of freedom comes from.  Do you
> happen to have 60 couples in the study?

Yes, there are 60 couples in the study. I believe HLM is calculating  
what Raudenbush and Bryk (2002) call a "Univariate Chi-square" which  
is what they recommend for testing single parameter variance  
components. For multi parameter variance components they recommend a  
likelihood ratio test, which is what I believe the method I used above  

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question,

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