[R] Odp: non-linear regression problem

Petr PIKAL petr.pikal at precheza.cz
Thu Aug 14 17:34:59 CEST 2008


r-help-bounces at r-project.org napsal dne 14.08.2008 16:05:11:

> I need to do a non-linear regression in the form of
> Y = a0 + a1 * arctan(a2 * x) + error.
> A data sample (X,Y) is available, but I can't remember how to run this 
> of regression through R so that I get a value for a0, a1 and a2.


?nls, ?optim
could be your first choice.

nls(Y ~ a0 + a1 * arctan(a2 * x), data= ...,start=list(a0= , ...), ...)


> Can someone please give me a hint?
> Thank you in advance.
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