[R] How to send Html using SQL Server db mail

Bos, Roger roger.bos at us.rothschild.com
Wed Aug 20 18:12:02 CEST 2008


I have a variable called `go` and it has a single quote in the name
column of line 47 that I am trying to get rid of.  I have tried using
gsub, but I cannot get the syntax correct to tell R to remove the '
(single quote).  

> go[47,]
    gvkey Symbol                    Name   Rank MarketCap MemoDate
Action Analyst Reason SharesHeld
75 065105     BJ BJ'S WHOLESALE CLUB INC 0.9579   2258.24     <NA>
<NA>    <NA>   <NA>       <NA>

I have tried every combination I could think of, some of them being:
gsub(go, `'`, ` `)
gsub(go, "'", " ")
gsub(go, "\'S", " S")
gsub(go, "'S", "S")

I understand the problem is that R interprets the single quote as a
single quote instead of a character that I want to remove, but I don't
know how to tell R that I want to identiy the single quote and remove
it. This is probably easy for some, but to me it seems much more
difficult than it should be.



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