[R] package install failure

George Georgalis galis.lacdr at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 18:32:21 CEST 2008


the arm package is failing to install, it says I need gnu make but it's not
clear how I specify which make to use in the R environment. For example I
already have gmake installed. How to I instruct R to use it?

* Installing *source* package 'Matrix' ...
usage: make [-BeikNnqrstWX] [-D variable] [-d flags] [-f makefile]
            [-I directory] [-J private] [-j max_jobs] [-m directory] [-T file]
            [-V variable] [variable=value] [target ...]
*** You need "GNU make" for building this package from the sources
ERROR: configuration failed for package 'Matrix'
** Removing '/usr/local/nb40i386/R-2.7.1/lib/R/library/Matrix'

 best regards, George

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