[R] sample consecutive integers efficiently

Chris Oldmeadow c.oldmeadow at student.qut.edu.au
Fri Aug 29 00:35:40 CEST 2008

Charles C. Berry wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2008, Chris Oldmeadow wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have some rough code to sample consecutive integers with length 
>> according to a vector of lengths
>> #sample space (representing positions)
>> pos<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)
>> #sample lengths
>> lengths<-c(2,3,2)
>> From these two vectors I need a vector of sampled positions.
>> the sampling is without replacement, making things tough as the 
>> sampled integers need to be consecutive. Im hoping somebody knows a 
>> faster way of doing it than I have. ATM its way to slow on large 
>> vectors.
>> samplePos<-function(l){
>>    start.pos<-sample(pos,1)
>>    end.pos<-start.pos+l-1
>>    posies<-start.pos:end.pos
>>    posies
>> }
>> s.start<-c()
>> newPos<-function(a){
>>    rp<-samplePos(a)
>>    #test sampled range is consecutive, if not resample
>>    if (length(rp) != rp[a]+1 -rp[1]){rp<-samplePos(a)}
>>    pos<-setdiff(pos,rp)
>>    rp[1]
>> }
>> newps<-c()
>> newps<-unlist(lapply(lengths,newPos))
>> I think the bottleneck may be on the setdiff() function - the sample 
>> space is quite large so I dont think there would be too many rejections.
> The bottleneck is in the formulation of the sampling scheme.
> This is a simple combinatorics problem. There are 3360 possible values 
> ( prod(16:14) ) for the start positions of the three elements, and you 
> can form a bijection between 1:3360 and the individual samples. If the 
> number of possible sample is small enough, it would be most efficient 
> to sample from the corresponding integer vector and then translate it 
> to the corresponding sample. For larger values where the number of 
> possible samples become a challenge for 32-bit integer arithmetic, I 
> expect this approach would be preferred:
> Permute length ( pos ) - sum ( lengths ) + length( lengths ) distinct 
> (consecutively labelled) elements:
>     elz <- sample( length ( pos ) - sum ( lengths ) + length( lengths ) )
> Take the lengths of the original objects to be
>     z.lens <- rep( 1, length( elz ) )
>     z.lens[ seq(along = lengths ) ] <- lengths
> (i.e. objects longer than 1 appear first)
> Determine the start positions of the objects as if they were laid down 
> consecutively according to the permutation:
>     start <- head( cumsum( c(0, z.lens[ elz ]) ) + 1 , -1 )
> Find the start positions of just those with lengths greater than 1
>     gt.1 <- match( seq(along=lengths) , elz )
> Report the start positions
>     start[ gt.1 ]
> ---
> If length( pos ) is large, you can rewrite the above to simply sample 
> the positions (in the ordering) of the objects with lengths greater 
> than 1. You will have to revise the calculation of start and gt.1 in 
> that case.
> HTH,
> Chuck
>  >
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris
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> Charles C. Berry                            (858) 534-2098
>                                             Dept of Family/Preventive 
> Medicine
> E mailto:cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu                UC San Diego
> http://famprevmed.ucsd.edu/faculty/cberry/  La Jolla, San Diego 
> 92093-0901

Thanks! that worked perfectly.


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