[R] cannot allocate vector of size... restructuring suggestion please...

tsunhin wong thjwong at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 19:26:13 CET 2008

Also,each data.frame of the 1500 working as data sources floating in
the global environment is of a size ranging from 2000x36 to 9000x36
Please help...! THANKS!!!

- John

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 1:12 PM, tsunhin wong <thjwong at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear R Users,
> I was running some data analysis scripts and ran into this error:
> Error: cannot allocate vector of size 27.6 Mb
> Doing a "memory.size(max=TRUE)" will give me:
> [1] 1506.812
> The current situation is:
> I'm working on a Windows Vista 32bit laptop with 4GB RAM (effectively
> 3GB I assume...)
> I have a data file of 450Mb loaded into R and have around 1500
> data.frames floating in the global space as my data source.
> The way I run this analysis:
> I call a patch processing & procedure script
>>> it retrieves 4 lists of info (each around 400x100) from an index data.frame, and then it calls another script to retrieve info from the corresponding data.frames on the 4 lists in the global space
>>> through calling another script, about 1000x3 will be retrieved by another script
>>> the 1000x3 will be passed to a third script expanded to 20001x3, and only 20001x1 will be used
>>> 20001x1 will accumulate into a matrix of up to 20001x1500 (number of data frames / trials), say I have to divide the trials into 2 groups and do a comparison, then that's processing of 2 matrices of size 20001x750
> But the allocation error stopped the script after script has processed
> around 280 data frames, i.e. made the first matrix up to 20001x280...
> I know running the analysis should possibly be achieved by
> restructuring my script a little bit, but I have no idea where to
> start with to try...
> Also, I have no idea about Garbage Collection ability or memory
> recycle / reuse ability in R and I think some memory may have been
> lost in the middle of the process, and it may be possible to put them
> back to the system for R to make use of...
> Please advise me to let me to find out the most efficient way of
> eliminating the error...
> Thanks so much!
> Regards,
>      John

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