[R] scatterplot3d to display text

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Sat Feb 9 18:07:54 CET 2008

mauroyb0 wrote:
> Dear all, 
> I'm looking for a way to display text (label) in a scatterplot3d instead of
> the default dot. I mean someting like the text() function which can be
> associated with plot(). Do you think this is possible ? 

Yes, it is, type:

vignette("s3d", "scatterplot3d")

and take a look at example on pages 18-19 which is almost the same as 
page 14 of

Ligges, U. and Mächler, M. (2003): Scatterplot3d - an R Package for 
Visualizing Multivariate Data.  Journal of Statistical Software 8 (11), 

It makes use of the function xyz.convert() that is included in the 
returned object from scatterplot3d().

> My second question is quite well covered by some threads but I haven't been
> able to find a definitive way of doing. Is there a way to enable rotation in
> a scatterplot3d ?

Well just some limited rotation by specifying the angle. If you want 
nice interactive rotation of things, I'd recommend package "rgl".

Best wishes,
Uwe Ligges

> Tank you in advance for your answers.

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