[R] Error message svIO library with latex option

ukoenig at med.uni-marburg.de ukoenig at med.uni-marburg.de
Tue Feb 12 10:41:14 CET 2008


first I want so say hello to all the members of the list. After working with SAS
and SPSS, I do my first steps with R.

I have a problem with the copy function of the svIO-library. The ascii option
works, but with the latex-option, an error message appears ("invalid filename

> library(svIO)
Lade nötiges Paket: svMisc
Lade nötiges Paket: R2HTML
> data(iris)
> copy(iris, type = "typelist")
[1] "raw"   "ascii" "html"  "latex"
> copy(iris, type = "ascii")
> copy(iris, type = "latex")
Fehler in file.info(lib.loc) : ungültiges Dateinamensargument (invalid filename

Can it be that an installed latex-System is needed for the latex-option of the
copy-function in svIO? On my platform I didn´t install a latex-System (Miktex?)

My Platform: Windows XP
R-Version: 2.6.1

Information für Paket 'svIO'
Version:             0.9-5
Date:                2006-04-24
Maintainer:          Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>

Can you help me? Thanks in advance!

Udo König
Clinic for child and adolescent psychiatry
Philipps-University of Marburg / Germany

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