[R] Windows-GUI: "Install Packages from local zip files" and dependencies

Johannes Graumann johannes_graumann at web.de
Mon Feb 18 13:51:14 CET 2008

Duncan Murdoch wrote:

>> 2) If that's not the default: is there a way to make it so?
> Not simply, but of course it's possible with some work.  The problem is
> that with repos = NULL, R doesn't know where to look for dependencies.
> So you need to make two passes:  First, install the package, and second,
> install its dependencies.
> You can use code like this to find the dependencies:
> library(tools)
> allpkgs <- installed.packages()
> deps <- package.dependencies(allpkgs["test",])[[1]][,1]
> to find the dependencies of package test after you've installed it, and
> setdiff(deps, rownames(allpkgs))
> to find the ones that are not installed.  Where to find them to install
> is the hard part:  are they also local, or on CRAN, or where?
CRAN/BioC (both of which are set to Default == TRUE in the repository conf

This doesn't sound like something I can automate easily to appease the
userbase of my little toolbox ...
Is there a way to have a package upon installation run a post-install script
with the functions you outline above?

Thanks for any hints, Joh

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