[R] good references on "survival analysis"

Roland Rau roland.rproject at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 16:34:56 CET 2008


Marc Bernard wrote:
> Dear all,
>   I am looking for a good reference on "Survival analysis". I am looking for a booking containing both applications and Maths. Explaining different methods in survival analysis ....
since I just answered in another thread with a book recommendation on 
survival analysis, the only book I ever bought myself on survival 
analysis is:
Klein/Moeschberger: Survival Analysis (Springer)
It has lots of "applications and maths" as you are mentioning that this 
is what you are looking for.
Two classic books which are often cited:
a) Cox/Oates: Analysis of Survival Data
b) Kalbfleisch/Prentice: The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data

In the other thread, Ben Bolker suggested the book by Therneau and 
Grambsch. Unfortunately, I have no experience with that one. Please note 
that Terry Therneau wrote the original version of the survival package in S.

I also borrowed the book "Survival Analysis Using S. Analysis of 
Time-to-Event Data". This is a book which focuses on how to implement 
various methods from survival analysis in S. This is certainly useful 
but I checked usually the theory in Klein/Moeschberger. The 
implementation of standard methods was easily found in the documentation 
of the survival package (big thanks to Terry Therneau and Thomas Lumley!)

I hope this helps,

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