[R] Migrating from S-Plus to R - Exporting Tables

Leandro Marino leandro at cesgranrio.org.br
Wed Jul 2 16:06:57 CEST 2008


I want to export an table using the write.table and i want is this format:
(this table was exported in s-plus)

row.names	Num  	Perc 	meab  	stdev	min   	P5    	P10   	P25   	P50   	P75
P90   	P95   	max
A        	10237	47.88	183.48	38.84	86.98 	126.52	138.13	157.82	182.41	210.17
238.94	254.13	354.49
B        	10243	47.91	186.91	36.55	86.98 	128.18	139.96	159.27	182.42	208.75
233.2 	249.07	336.17
         	762  	3.56 	178.73	36.37	90.19 	114.27	127.16	144.88	166.59	193.56
220.37	234.42	307.87
*        	137  	0.64 	150.77	32.88	96.42 	112.72	120.59	139.84	159.36	181.25
206.01	216.33	254.58
tot      	21379	100  	182.48	37.77	86.98 	126.52	138.22	157.85	181.75	208.82
235.51	251.35	354.49

It is a lot of tables, in S-plus I was using

for (i in 1:length(nrotulos)) {

Now, i am trying to do the same thing in R. But, I have a lot of warnings
and the result is:
1	Q05
Num	Perc	media	stdev	min	P5	P10	P25	P50	P75	P90	P95	max
1	12418	58	183.71	37.28	86.98	126.11	138.11	157.58	180.95	207.55	233.76
249.24	354.49
2	4898	22.88	188.45	38.79	86.98	128.89	140.62	160.69	185.38	214.12	241.36
256.39	344.28
3	2161	10.09	188.22	39.38	87.13	126.97	138.63	159.67	186.76	212.59	241.15
256.44	352.71
4	1934	9.03	175.7	      34.59	86.98	122.76	133		152.29	172.4		198.13	220.71
237.78	317.62
tot	21411	100	184.53	37.77	86.98	126.52	138.22	157.85	181.75	208.82	235.51
251.35	354.49

using this code:
for (i in 1:length(nrotulos04)) {

How can I put the row.names before the col num in R? And how can I remove
the x in first line and the number 1 and the ^t in the second line before

Thanks for the advance!

Leandro Marino

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