[R] Help with yaImpute

Wesley Roberts wroberts at csir.co.za
Mon Jul 28 11:43:54 CEST 2008

Dear fellow R-users

I am trying to do some imputation using K-NN with the yaImpute library. All seems to be going well until I try to use 
AsciiGridImpute. All my data are correctly formatted and I am able to run and view the results of yai. Below is my code:
data <- read.csv("Data.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
y <- subset(data, select = c(BA_PER_HA_))
x <- subset(data, select = c(IK1_mean,IK2_mean,IK3_mean,IK4_mean))

RF <- yai(x = x, y = y, method = "randomForest")

xfiles <- list(IK1_mean = "IK1_mean.asc", IK2_mean = "IK2_mean.asc",
IK3_mean = "IK3_mean.asc", IK4_mean = "IK4_mean.asc")

outfiles <- list(BA_PER_HA_ = "BasalAreaPerHA.asc")

AsciiGridImpute(RF, xfiles, outfiles)

And here is the error I receive

> source("K-NN-Basal-Area.R")
Loading required package: randomForest
randomForest 4.5-25
Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
Rows per dot:  10  Rows to do: 1062 
ToDo: ..........................................................................................................
First six lines of predicted data for map row:  1 
1x0001                  -9999
1x0002                  -9999
1x0003                  -9999
1x0004                  -9999
1x0005                  -9999
1x0006                  -9999
Error in AsciiGridImpute(RF, xfiles, outfiles) : 
  BA_PER_HA_ is not present in the predicted data

The first six lines of the output file contain the header information for an ESRI ASCII grid and look like this
ncols 1564
nrows 1062
xllcorner -77876.53335875
yllcorner -3304144.3940076
cellsize 4.000718
NODATA_value -9999

Which is exactly the same as the input ascii grids used during the AsciiGridImpute command.

I was wondering if anyone on the R mailing list had ever come across this error and if so how did you correct it.

I am using R version 2.7.1 on Ubuntu 7.10

Many thanks for all your help.
Kind regards,
Wesley Roberts

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