[R] Re peated Measure ANOVA-Old question

Mark Difford mark_difford at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jul 30 09:49:54 CEST 2008

Hi Chunhao,

If you carefully read the posting that was referred to you will see that
lme() and not lmer() was used as an example (for using with the multcomp
package). lmer() was only mentioned as an aside... lmer() is S4 and doesn't
work with multcomp, which is S3.

Apropos of specifying random effects: an example was given in the posting
showing that aov(... +Error(...)) and lme(..., random =...) give the same
result. Use that as your guideline.

HTH, Mark.

ctu wrote:
> Tank you (Anna & Mark) very much for this super information
> Let me confirm that IF I want to perform the RM-ANOVA
> I should use "lmer" and perform the post-hoc test by using "glht", right?
> Because I am not so familiar with "lmer" so I have two more questions.
> Let me use that following example again,
> 1. Is the random effect statement correct? if no what will be?
> 2. What did I do wrong in glht?
> require(lme4);require(nlme)
> group <-rep(rep(1:2, c(5,5)), 3);time <-rep(1:3, rep(10,3));subject <-  
> rep(1:10,3)
> p.pa <- c(92, 44, 49, 52, 41, 34, 32, 65, 47, 58, 94, 82, 48, 60, 47,
> 46, 41, 73, 60, 69, 95, 53, 44, 66, 62, 46, 53, 73, 84, 79)
> P.PA <- data.frame(subject, group, time, p.pa)
> P.PA$group=factor(P.PA$group);P.PA$time=factor(P.PA$time)
> P.PA$subject=factor(P.PA$subject)
> tlmer<-lmer (p.pa ~ time * group + (time*group | subject), data=P.PA )
>> summary(glht(tlmer,linfct=mcp(group="Tukey")))
> Error in UseMethod("fixef") : no applicable method for "fixef"
> In addition: Warning message
> Thank you very much
> Chunhao
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