[R] Using tune with gbm --grid search for best hyperparameters

Christopher Schwalm schw0516 at umn.edu
Wed Mar 5 22:03:46 CET 2008

Hello LIST,

I'd like to use tune from e1071 to do a grid search for hyperparameter 
values in gbm. However, I can not get this to work. I note that there is no 
wrapper for gbm but that it is possible to use non-wrapped functions (like 
lm) without problem. Here's a snippet of code to illustrate.

> data(mtcars) obj <- 
> gbm(mpg~disp+wt+carb,data=mtcars,distribution="gaussian",n.trees=1000,n.minobsinnode=5) 
> summary(obj) #just to demonstrate that gbm worked
   var   rel.inf
1 disp 55.185469
2   wt 40.198605
3 carb  4.615926
# now let's find the best value for n.minobsinnode using tune
> tune.obj <- 
> tune(gbm,mpg~disp+wt+carb,data=mtcars,distribution="gaussian",n.trees=1000,n.minobsinnode=c(5,10,15))
Error in function (formula = formula(data), distribution = "bernoulli",  : 
  unused argument(s) (subset = c(23, 9, 18, 26, 32, 28, 16, 5, 25, 24, 21, 
8, 6, 7, 13, 1, 30, 17, 2, 29, 3, 27, 31, 12, 15, 11, 4, 22))

I've tried many variations on syntax --too many to count. But this error 
message will not go away. Does tune simply not work with gbm or is 
something else going on. Many thanks for any insight.


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