[R] driving R from MATLAB

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Mon Mar 17 09:51:05 CET 2008

Moshe Hoshen <moshe_ho <at> rosettagenomics.com> writes:

> I am trying to use R functions from my MATLAB code using a DCOM server.
> I am working under Windows XP.
> I am trying to perform survival analysis, using Surv 
> Surv(recruTime,recur)
> Surv creates a somewhat complex output and I get the response
> Problem evaluating command source(
> "s:\\R&D\\matlab\\repository\\personalfolders\\moshe\\colon\\rcut.r").
> Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Object is static; operation not
> allowed 

I am not using it with Matlab, but quite extensively with C#. The somewhat
strange error message you noted "Object is static" has always been an error in
the script.     

When I am sure that the script works Ok when run separately, it frequently has
to do with the current directory being different when run with RDCOM and from
GUI. Therefore I explicitly set the working directory at the top of all scripts,
or get is from an environment string.

The most helpful tool is a character device in my application that outputs the R
string directly, so I immediately see what the cryptic "Object is static" means.


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