[R] Help with apply and split...

Mike H. Ryu hokyung.ryu at yale.edu
Fri May 2 10:40:00 CEST 2008

I'm trying to drop all rows except for the ones with the most recent year.
So I split the data frame by NPERMNO and keep just the last record of all

datg=t(sapply(split(datgic, datgic$NPERMNO, drop=TRUE), function(x){return(
x[nrow(x),] )}))

I get something like this...

      GVKEY  NPERMNO GIC      year
10001 12994  10001   55102010 2007
10002 19049  10002   40101015 2007
10009 16739  10009   40101010 1999

Has this been made into a proper data frame.  How come the row numbers are
not 1,2,3,4...?

Thank you so much, and I would really appreciate any help!


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