[R] use of sequence on ridge regression

Rodrigo Briceño rjavierbriceno at gmail.com
Wed May 7 16:51:29 CEST 2008

Dear R users. I have a doubt about the use of the sequence option on
Ridge regression. I'm trying to understand the use of this option when
variables are highly linear correlated. I'm running a model where the
variables HtShoes and Ht have high VIF values. My program is written
below, but I'm not sure about the correct way of using the sequence

library (faraway)
data (seatpos)
attach (seatpos)
spos.mod <- lm(hipcenter ~ .,seatpos) summary (spos.mod)
lm.ridge(hipcenter ~ .,seatpos)
plot(lm.ridge(hipcenter ~ .,seatpos, lambda = seq(0,0.1,0.001)))
select(lm.ridge(hipcenter ~ ., seatpos,lambda = seq(0,0.1,0.001)))

Any advice will be appreaciated. Rodrigo B.

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