[R] Converting qqplot2 qplot() to grammar?

hadley wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Tue May 13 16:22:38 CEST 2008

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 3:31 PM, B. Bogart <bbogart at sfu.ca> wrote:
> Hello all,
>  I've been using the following qplot command:
>  qplot(pixX,pixY, data=som, geom="tile", fill=rgb) +
>  scale_fill_identity() + opts(aspect.ratio = .75) + facet_grid(unitX ~ unitY)
>  Now I would like to convert it into the explicit ggplot grammar, so I
>  can remove the extras: axes, labels, background, borders, facet labels,
>  and extra white-space around the plot. (If anyone has suggestions on
>  removing these please let me know)

You're missing one thing.  You want:

  layer(data = somdf, geom = "tile", aes(fill=rgb))

(i.e. there's an aes function wrapped around the fill).  I'd probably
use a few more of the built in defaults to get:

  geom_tile(aes(fill = rgb))

>  The other issue I'm having is that the above seems to create multiple
>  plots, another, apparently identical, plot gets drawn after I call
>  dev.off(). I have no idea why this would be so.

Could you provide a fuller description of what you're trying to do?

>  Setting name and breaks to " " seems like a hack to get rid of the axis
>  stuff, is there a better way?

Not at the moment.

>  Oh, and I can't find documentation for opts() on the ggplot2 website,
>  where is it available?

Just in R at the moment - see ?opts.



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