Tobias Verbeke tobias.verbeke at telenet.be
Sat May 24 09:44:44 CEST 2008

Hi Alexandra,

> I'm a ubunto user and I used to write my scipts in "Java Gui for R", but it
> is a very slow tool to run my scripts...
> Do you know some efficient IDE for R?
> Thankssss!!!

I warmly recommend the StatET plugin for Eclipse,
which, as you know, is a very mature,
industrial-strength IDE.

On Ubuntu (which does not have tremendous Eclipse
support) it is best to download and unzip (=install)
the current stable release of Eclipse Classic at


Installation of the StatET plugin is straightforward:
navigate to

Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install...
Search for new features to install

and then just use


as a (new remote) Eclipse update site
and walk through the wizard.

After installation, the best way to
get up and running is to work through
the Cheat Sheets available via

Help -> Cheat Sheets... -> StatET: R in Eclipse.

You can find more information here:


and an introductory manual (for the previous
release) here:


There also is a (recently started) dedicated mailing list


I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

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