[R] X-Axis Problem with Multhist Plot

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Mon May 26 12:22:46 CEST 2008

Edward Wijaya wrote:
> I am creating a side-by-side histogram using "multhist" of PLOTRIX.
> However, I can't seem to control the X-axis.
> It yields the following X points in the axis:
> 1 3 5 7 9 13 17 21 25 29 33
> with uneven spacing between x-ticks (see attached file).
The axis labels are unevenly spaced, but the "ticks" (which aren't 
visible) are evenly spaced at each odd number from 1 to 35. This is a 
feature of R's intelligent axis labeling, not multhist.

> Especially I want to create a bar for every x-axis (1,2,3,4...36),
> now not every x-axis has a bar.
> Is there a way to alter my following code
> so that the x axis is evenly distributed:
> require(plotrix)
> dat <- read.table(file="GDS1096.modelout", head = FALSE )
> l <- list(dat$V2,dat$V3)
> multhist(l, ylab = "Frequency", beside = TRUE,
>          freq = TRUE,  col = c("blue","red"),
>          xlab = "Nof Component",
>          xlim = c(0,max(dat$V3)+25),
>          ylim = c(0,10000))
> legend(30, 8000, c("AIC", "BIC"), fill=c("blue", "red"))
I can almost certainly do what you want, if not with multhist, then with 
barp. Let's see, I'll have to fake the data...

# hmmm, tried this with multhist, can't get rid of the X axis
# so we'll have to do it with barp

That should get you most of the way...


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