[R] Tinn-R explorer used to be my friend

Farrel Buchinsky fjbuch at gmail.com
Sat Oct 4 07:26:54 CEST 2008

I got it to work. After many hours of agonizing. The answer was right
under my nose but there were a few complications.

How to install and configure Tinn-R (XP and Vista)

If one just tries R>Configure>Permanent(Rprofile.site) then I do not
think one gets the right stuff. The right stuff is posted on the

One complication that I had at home is that my computer runs Vista and
it is a pain in the rear because of "user access control" which would
not let me save Rprofile.site. I got around that by opening Tinn-R as
"Run as administrator". I do not quite understand that because I am an
administrator on my machine. But who am I to ask questions --- it

If you cannot do it I am quite prepared to show you using crossloop.
Farrel Buchinsky

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 18:04, Farrel Buchinsky <fjbuch at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have upgraded everything lately and can no longer get the Tinn-R explorer to work. I think I have had this problem before but cannot recall how I solved it.
> I run Tinn-R and Rgui version 2.7.2
> When I click on the explorer button I get
> > trObjList(envir='.GlobalEnv', pattern='', group='', path=.trPaths[3])
> Error in trObjList(envir = ".GlobalEnv", pattern = "", group = "", path = .trPaths[3]) :
>   unused argument(s) (envir = ".GlobalEnv")
> I have ensured that the correct profile loads by using (from within Tinn-R) R>Configure>Permanent(Rprofile.site).
> Is this a known bug or am I just getting tripped up.
> Farrel Buchinsky
> GrandCentral Tel: (412) 567-7870

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