[R] building packages: "R Help for package foo" vs. "HTML Help"?

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Sun Oct 5 19:39:22 CEST 2008

Michael Friendly wrote:
> In building a package, what are the settings in the package files or the 
> build commands that
> determine whether the compiled HTML help windows have the window title
> "R Help for package foo" vs. "HTML Help"?


can you give an example for a page with title "HTML Help"? I only found 
the "R Help for package foo" version during a quick inspection of a few 

Best wishes,

> I often have quite a few help files active, and it is much more 
> convenient to navigate among
> them if the window has an informative title.
> If this is simple to test for in the build process, can/should this be 
> tested for
> (with a warning) or even enforced/automatically generated in the scripts?
> -Michael

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