[R] Histogram colours in lattice.

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Wed Oct 8 03:54:47 CEST 2008

I am trying to do a histogram lattice plot and I would like the
histogram to be filled with a different colour in each panel.

Note:  I want every bar in each histogram to be the same colour,
but that there should be different colours *between* histograms.

Can't seem to get this to work.  I thought that something like
the following would be a goer:

X <- rnorm(200)
A <- factor(sample(letters[1:5],200,TRUE))
DF <- data.frame(x=X,a=A)
panel=function(x,...,subscripts,col) {

However it somewhat mysteriously colours the first bar/rectangle
of the histogram appropriately in the last three panels, leaving
all of the others blank, and leaves all bars blank in the first
two panels.

Can I do what I want?  How?  Thanks for any advice (other than
``Go stick your head in a pig.'' :-) )


		Rolf Turner

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