[R] Select only cases with negative values

Johannes Hüsing johannes at huesing.name
Sat Oct 18 23:18:05 CEST 2008

Am 18.10.2008 um 23:03 schrieb Michael Just:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if there was a way to only select cases my from data
> frame that contained a negative value?
>> c<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
>> d<- c(-1,2,-3,-4,5,6,-7,8,-9,10)
>> f <- cbind(c,d)
>> dat <-data.frame(f)
>> dat.lm <-lm(c~d)
> If I wanted to only use the rows that had a negative value in column d
> for my regression, how could I make that selection?

dat[dat$d < 0, ]

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