[R] Transferring results from R to MS Word

Tom Backer Johnsen backer at psych.uib.no
Tue Oct 28 10:40:17 CET 2008

Dieter Menne wrote:
> Tom Backer Johnsen <backer <at> psych.uib.no> writes:
>> There 
>> are also some parts of the documentation that I do not understand.  The 
>> list of functions includes things like HTML.lm, as far as I can see are 
>> invisible, both in respect to documentation and usage.
> This might be relic of a function written by my some year ago, which were part
> of the distribution for some time, but probably removed later.

Hmm.  If that is true, that is not very promising.  It could indicate 
that the maintenace of the package might be patchy.


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