[R] free workspace

GAF p.sprau at nioo.knaw.nl
Mon Sep 8 13:45:30 CEST 2008

thanx for the quick reply!
so this is what I get when I type in conflicts()

 [1] "part"             "buzz"             "distance"         "huid"            
"in_whistle"       "interruptions"    "match"           
 [8] "overlap"          "part"             "part_2"           "pause_dur"       
"pause_dur2"       "pb_overlap"       "playbacker"      
[15] "song_dur"         "Strophenabbrüche" "time"             "time.1"          
"treatment"        "trill"            "whistle"         
[22] "who"              "BIC"              "fixef"            "lmList"          
"ranef"            "VarCorr"          "densityplot"     
[29] "qqmath"           "xyplot"           "anova"            "coef"            
"confint"          "cov2cor"          "deviance"        
[36] "fitted"           "formula"          "logLik"           "model.frame"     
"model.matrix"     "resid"            "residuals"       
[43] "simulate"         "terms"            "time"             "update"          
"vcov"             "xtabs"            "image"           
[50] "plot"             "head"             "tail"             "as.array"        
"as.data.frame"    "as.matrix"        "as.vector"       
[57] "body<-"           "chol"             "colMeans"         "colSums"         
"crossprod"        "determinant"      "diag"            
[64] "diff"             "drop"             "isSymmetric"      "kronecker"       
"match"            "print"            "qr"              
[71] "qr.coef"          "qr.fitted"        "qr.qty"           "qr.qy"           
"qr.R"             "qr.resid"         "rowMeans"        
[78] "rowSums"          "solve"            "summary"          "t"               
"tcrossprod"       "with"             "zapsmall"       


Duncan Murdoch-2 wrote:
> On 08/09/2008 5:59 AM, GAF wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I have a very basic but still important question:
>> How can I free my workspace COMPLETELY?
>> I tried:
>> rm(list = ls())
>> rm(list=ls(all=TRUE))
>> remove(list = conflicts(detail=TRUE)$.GlobalEnv)
>> but I still have lots of conflicts() which I have never seen before.
>> Thanx for the help.
> Show us.  I'd guess they're coming from some package you loaded.
> Duncan Murdoch
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