[R] help with random forest package

Liaw, Andy andy_liaw at merck.com
Wed Apr 8 20:40:48 CEST 2009

The source code of the whole package is available on CRAN.  All packages
are submitted to CRAN is source form.

There's no "rule" per se that gives the final prediction, as the final
prediction is the result of plural vote by all trees in the forest.

You may want to look at the varUsed() and getTree() functions.


From:  Chrysanthi A.
> Hello,
> I am a phd student in Bioinformatics and I am using the Random Forest
> package in order to classify my data, but I have some questions.
> Is there a function in order to visualize the trees, so as to 
> get the rules?
> Also, could you please provide me with the code of 
> "randomForest" function,
> as I would like to see how it works. I was wondering if I can get the
> classification having the most votes over all the trees in 
> the forest (the
> final rules that will give me the final classification). 
> Also, is there a
> possibility to get a vector with the attributes that are 
> being selected for
> each node during the construction of each tree? I mean, that 
> I would like to
> know the m<<M variables that are selected at each node out of 
> the M input
> attributes.. Are they selected randomly? Is there a 
> possibility to select
> the same variable in subsequent nodes?
> Thanks a lot,
> Chrysanthi.
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