[R] Odp: Plot legend

Petr PIKAL petr.pikal at precheza.cz
Tue Apr 14 11:29:18 CEST 2009


When I tried to make a plot according to your code I got

> plot(CO2ppm_1$CO2_ppm,ylim=c(-7,10),
+ axes = FALSE,type="b",pch=16,cex=1,col="skyblue4",main="TC (Model AM2t) 
SPL Mean Diurnal Cycle",xlab="Hours 
Error in plot(CO2ppm_1$CO2_ppm, ylim = c(-7, 10), axes = FALSE, type = 
"b",  : 
  object 'CO2ppm_1' not found

so it can be that you use some data I do not have available.

Anyvey you can vectorize your specification of legend like that

> plot(1,1)
> legend("topright", legend=letters[1:3], pch=c(19,19,NA), lty=c(NA,1,2))

and use NA when you do not want this symbol plotted.


r-help-bounces at r-project.org napsal dne 11.04.2009 00:59:55:

> Dear All-
> I am trying to create a legend where the first 9 terms are represented 
> pch=16 in one column (which I am able to do); but, I would like the last 
> terms in that column to be 'lines" (which are black and red - just as it 
> like in the plot).  I have read through many help pages and searched the 
> listserv, but haven't figured this one out yet.  Does anyone have any 
> suggestions or if you could point me to a help page that i may have 
missed, I 
> would greatly appreciate it. a bit of my code is below:
> thanks-
> sherri
> plot(CO2ppm_1$CO2_ppm,ylim=c(-7,10),
> axes = FALSE,type="b",pch=16,cex=1,col="skyblue4",main="TC (Model AM2t) 
> Mean Diurnal Cycle",xlab="Hours (GMT)",ylab="CO2
> points(CO2ppm_2$CO2_ppm,type="b",pch=16,col="green")
> points(CO2ppm_3$CO2_ppm,type="b",pch=16,col="dark orange")
> points(CO2ppm_4$CO2_ppm,type="b",pch=16,col="light green")
> points(CO2ppm_5$CO2_ppm,type="b",pch=16,col="dark green")
> points(CO2ppm_6$CO2_ppm,type="b",pch=16,col="yellow")
> points(CO2ppm_7$CO2_ppm,type="b",pch=16,col="dark blue")
> points(CO2ppm_8$CO2_ppm,type="b",pch=16,col="purple")
> points(CO2ppm_9$CO2_ppm,type="b",pch=16,col="dark red")
> lines(sub_dlyavg_w[,1],type="l",lwd=3,col="black")
> lines(sub_dlyavg_p[,1],type="l",lwd=3,col="red")
> axis(1, at=1:23, labels=as.character(seq(1,23)), cex.axis=.7)
> axis(2, at=-7:10, labels=as.character(seq(-7,10)), cex.axis=.7)
> box(col = 'black')
> mtext("June - August", font=2,side=3,cex=1,col="black")
> legend("topright",c('Level 1','Level 2','Level 3', 'Level 4','Level 5',
> 'Level 6','Level 7','Level 8','Level 9','RAC UNFILT','RAC FILT 1 
> 'light green','dark green','yellow','dark blue','purple','dark 
> 'red'),ncol=1)
> legend("bottomleft",c('Model:          2002-2003','RACCOON: 2005-2008'), 

> cex = 1,col = c('black'),ncol=1)
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