[R] Writing .xlsx files

Katrien Baert Katrien.Baert at UGent.be
Wed Apr 15 14:43:27 CEST 2009

Dear all,

I have been looking for possibilities to read and write Excel 2007-files 
in and from R.
The 'reading' part is ok through odbcConnectExcel2007 and sqlFetch(RODBC).

For 'writing' I thought of using sqlSave in the same package, but it 
does not work (I think because this function starts from an existing 
file). Is there a workaround for this, or are there other plausible 
options for writing .xlsx files?

With kind regards,


PS: I found some information about RExcelInstaller, if this is something 
that would solve my problems could someone describe how it works (the 
user manual did not help me very much).

Katrien Baert
Statistical Consultant
IOF valorisatieconsortium Stat-Gent

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