[R] Odp: Help- extracting values

Petr PIKAL petr.pikal at precheza.cz
Thu Apr 16 17:08:15 CEST 2009

Petr Pikal
petr.pikal at precheza.cz
724008364, 581252140, 581252257

r-help-bounces at r-project.org napsal dne 16.04.2009 16:45:15:

> I have csv files imported in r each with 2 columns and many many rows. I 
> sorted the data in them but want to extract some values.
> The first column is an ID
> The second is a p-value ( now sorted in increasing order with NA's last)
> I want to extract the rows with a p-value of less than 0.05)

dd<-data.frame(runif(20), runif(20))

values greater than .8 with NA values
> dd[dd$b>.8,]
             a         b
2    0.8288003 0.8263982
4    0.9292447 0.9331695
8    0.5084216 0.8637391
10   0.1316669 0.9742467
14   0.4024661 0.8195820
15   0.5192755 0.8756094
17   0.7339971 0.8266932
NA          NA        NA
NA.1        NA        NA
NA.2        NA        NA

and without them
> na.omit(dd[dd$b>.8,])
           a         b
2  0.8288003 0.8263982
4  0.9292447 0.9331695
8  0.5084216 0.8637391
10 0.1316669 0.9742467
14 0.4024661 0.8195820
15 0.5192755 0.8756094
17 0.7339971 0.8266932


> What commands would help
> the table is called AnovaSort with column headings MCI & p-value
> Many thanks in advance
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