[R] graph with 15 combinations

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Wed Apr 22 11:53:56 CEST 2009

Penner, Johannes wrote:
> Dear R helpers,
> I have a data set with 4 types (W, C, E & S). Now I have values for all
> types plus all possible combinations (the order is unimportant): W, C,
> WC, E, WE, CE, WCE, S, WS, CS, WCS, ES, WES, CES & WCES. Ideally I would
> like to represent everything in one graph and as concise as possible.
> Drawing 4 circles and depicting it as overlap just gives me 13 out of
> the 15 possibilities needed (as e.g. depicted here
> http://www.psy.ritsumei.ac.jp/~akitaoka/classic9e.html in the graph
> "Four circles surrounding illusion").
> Does anybody has a nice solution, ideally with a possible solution in R?
Hi Johannes,
If you want to display the intersections between your 4 types, you might 
find that intersectDiagram in the plotrix package will serve your 
purpose. It departs from the Venn diagram approach to display an array 
of rectangles, the widths of which are proportional to the number of 
members of each set and intersection.


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