[R] Convert dataframe to table with counts where column names become row names

ghinkle ghinkle at alnylam.com
Thu Aug 6 19:14:50 CEST 2009

Can anyone explain how best to go from a dataframe to a table (or better yet
a new dataframe) of counts, where the row names in the new table (or
dataframe) are the column names of the original df.

start w/
DF1 = 
           Pos1  Pos2 Pos3 ....
oligo1   G       C     A
oligo2   U       U     A
oligo3   G       C     C
oligo4   C       G     U
oligo5   A       A     G

End with 

DF2 = 
           G  A  U C
Pos1   2   1 1 1
Pos2   1  1  1  2
Pos3  1  2  1  1

I know how to generate the counts of each one column at a time using
Is there a way to do this in one step?  Should I just write a for loop for
each of the columns?


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