[R] Re ad and merge a number of .xls files into one dataframe

rajclinasia raj at clinasia.com
Thu Aug 20 07:56:06 CEST 2009

christiaan pauw-2 wrote:
> Hi everybody
> I have a large number of Excel speadsheets that I want to merge into one R
> dataframe to process. I can read them one by one with read.xls but I
> really
> need a function to read a whole directory at once and merge the columns
> with
> the same name into a single dataframe.
> here is what I have thus far (on Mac OS X 10.5.2. for R 2.8.0):
> # Define the directory where the data is
> path="/Users/home/mydata/"
> # Make a list of the filenames (they are all .xls so no need for a regular
> expression seekig out ones ending in .xls )
> files=list.files(path="/Users/home/mydata/")
> # Read them into a list called data
> data=tapply(paste(path,files,sep=""),files[1:length(files)],read.xls)
> This gives the data in a list. What I want is a dataframe. I can turn it
> into a matrix with as.matrix() but that only has one column which is more
> or
> less the same as a list.
> I have tried to merge different parts of the list :
> mdata=date.frame(merge(data[[1]],data[[2]]))
> but that gives an empty data frame (with the correct variable names).
> Even if it worked I need a way to do that with a large number of file
> (i.e.
> not manualy).  I also tried to use lapply with merge as function but that
> didn't work either
> Does anyone have any ideas? I would much appreciate it
> regards
> Chrisitiaan
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 ya i am tried something on this.
read excel sheets in asingle excel file by using
>datasetname=read.xls("path of Excel file",sheet=sheet number in that excel
after creating R datasets to merge two datasets we use
>datasetname=merge (firsr dataset, second dataset, by.x="USUBJID",
there should be a common variable in both the datasets then you will merge. 

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Read-and-merge-a-number-of-.xls-files-into-one-dataframe-tp25056047p25056401.html
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