[R] Transform data for repeated measures

Richardson, Patrick Patrick.Richardson at vai.org
Fri Aug 28 01:37:18 CEST 2009

I have a dataset that I'm trying to rearrange for a repeated measures analysis:

It looks like:

patient basefev1 fev11h fev12h fev13h fev14h fev15h fev16h fev17h fev18h drug
201     2.46   2.68   2.76   2.50   2.30   2.14   2.40   2.33   2.20    a
202     3.50   3.95   3.65   2.93   2.53   3.04   3.37   3.14   2.62    a
203     1.96   2.28   2.34   2.29   2.43   2.06   2.18   2.28   2.29    a
204     3.44   4.08   3.87   3.79   3.30   3.80   3.24   2.98   2.91    a

And I want to make it look like:

Patient  FEV  time  drug
201         2.46    0         a
201         2.68    1         a
201         2.76    2         a
201         2.50    3         a

And so on . . . . . There would be 9 "time" and drug is a factor variable. 

I know there is a way to do this in R but I cannot remember the function. I've looked at the transpose function in (base) but that doesn't seem to be what I want. Can something like this be done easily from within package functions or would it require writing something custom? Another program would use something like the transpose procedure, but I'm trying to stay away from that program.



R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24) 

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attached base packages:
[1] grDevices datasets  tcltk     splines   graphics  stats     utils     methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] svSocket_0.9-43 svMisc_0.9.48   TinnR_1.0.3     R2HTML_1.59-1   Hmisc_3.6-1     survival_2.35-4

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] cluster_1.12.0  grid_2.9.2      lattice_0.17-25 tools_2.9.2
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