[R] latex.table for table with character and numeric columns

Gerrit Draisma g.draisma at erasmusmc.nl
Mon Dec 7 16:59:02 CET 2009

Ha Charlie,
It helped.
It is just what i was looking for.

> Gerrit Draisma wrote:
>> Hallo,
>> I have a dataset with one or two columns with character data
>> and the rest with numeric data.
>> Using latex.table from the quantreg package produced a table,
>> but I cannot set the decimals.
>> For instance:
>> ---
>>  > x<-data.frame(Name=c("Jan","Piet","Jan"), V=c(1,2.991,3))
>>  > latex.table(as.matrix(x),file="x",caption="x")
>>  > latex.table(as.matrix(x),file="x",caption="x",dec=2)
>> Error in round(x, dec) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function
>>  >
>> ---
>> Am I not using the right command, or is there a way around?
>> Thanks,
>> Gerrit.
> Hi Gerrit,
> I haven't used latex.table from quantreg so I can't comment on this
> approach. However, I would recommend using the xtable package to format your
> data.frame into LaTeX:
>   require( xtable )
>   x<-data.frame(Name=c("Jan","Piet","Jan"), V=c(1,2.991,3))
>   # Create a table object from the data.frame
>   latexTable <- xtable( x )
>   # Set the number of digits in each column. Your example has two columns,
>   # but we must specify three digits since the rownames count as a column.
>   digits( latexTable ) <- c( 0, 0, 2 )
>   # Print the table object in order to produce the LaTeX code.
>   print( latexTable )
> You should also read the help page for print.xtable() as it discusses many
> options that can affect the final LaTeX output.
> Hope this helps!
> -Charlie

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