[R] Using getSymbols

Shruthi Jayaram shruthi.jayaram.85 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 05:58:18 CET 2009


How can one ask getSymbols to obtain data within a specified time interval?
For example, if I am downloading US PPI data:

usppi <- as.zoo(getSymbols("PPIACO", src="FRED", verbose=TRUE,

How do I ask getSymbols to truncate starting from Jan-1970 until present? I
looked up the help file but couldn't find anything. 

Another newbie question, can I specify the frequency of the data I want from
FRED? The USPPI data above gives me monthly data, is there a way I can ask
to obtain annual data?

Thanks very much, I'd be grateful for any help on this. 

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