[R] glmmBUGS: logistic regression on proportional data

John Poulsen jpoulsen at zoo.ufl.edu
Sun Feb 8 14:29:33 CET 2009


I am trying to run a logistic regression with random effects on 
proportional data in glmmBUGS.  I am a newcomer to this package, and 
wondered if anyone could help me specify the model correctly. 

I am trying to specify the response variable, /yseed/, as # of successes 
out of total observations... but I suspect that given the error below, 
that is not correct.  Also, Newsect should be a factor, whereas Newdist 
is continuous.


Newdat<-data.frame(Newtree=rep(1:3, each=20), Newsect=rep(c("a","b"), 
each=10), Newdist=rep(1:5, 2),
                   y=rpois(60,2), tot=rep(c(14,12,10,8,6), 12))

yseed<-cbind(Newdat$y, Newdat$tot)

mod<-glmmBUGS(yseed~Newsect + Newdist, effects="Newtree", 
family="binomial", data=Newdat)

Error in `[.data.frame`(data, , response, drop = FALSE) :
  undefined columns selected

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