[R] Fwd: trunc/floor a number -- strange bahaviour

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Fri Feb 13 13:05:43 CET 2009

I'm glad you are happy with your solution.  Just one inline comment 
below, expanding on my private reply to you:

Žroutík wrote:
> Resolved.
> nchar(unlist(strsplit(as.character(n),"\\.")))[2]
> in the function:
> NumberPrecision <- function(n) {
> PocetCyklu <- 0
> if(n != round(n)) {
> PocetCyklu <- nchar(unlist(strsplit(n,"\\.")))[2]
> }
> else {
> while(n == round(n)) {
> n <- n/10
> PocetCyklu <- PocetCyklu + 1
> }
> PocetCyklu <- PocetCyklu - 1
> #}
> PocetCyklu
> }
> for 130000 the precision of the given value is the last given digit -- 5,
> for 12.345 it gives 3. Perfect.
> Regards, Z
> Thank you for the thoughtful conversation.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Žroutík <zroutik at gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 7:32 AM
> Subject: Re: [R] trunc/floor a number -- strange bahaviour
> To: Duncan Murdoch <murdoch at stats.uwo.ca>
> Thank you Duncan, and Thierry, to you, too, for the quick responses.
> In the FAQ, there is a different example, IMO. The value sqrt(2) is created
> by some function and is irrational -- I do understand in "never-ending"
> numbers programs do have to cut some digits off, therefore a mismatch. But
> in my example the given value is fix (it is written into an input file by a
> user) and there is always a fix number of digits and the number is not
> irrational.
> I do not understand how can the given/fix number 0.0001 be abruptly
> represented as 0.000099999.
> You say it's about binary floating point. But this is way the binary
> floating point was created, for real ending values, isn't it so?
> 12.34 is represented as 1234 (integer) times ten (integer) to the minus 2
> (integer). (n - floor(n))*10 Minus floor(12) (integer), times ten gives 34
> (integer) times ten to the -1 (integer).

No, that's not how standard floating point representations work.  12.34 is represented as a finite precision binary number between 1 and 2 (starting out as 1.10001 in binary notation) multiplied by 2^3.  The problem is that there is no way to represent it exactly in this format.  Only fractions with a power of 2 in the denominator can be represented that way, and 12.34 is not one of those.  It's 1234/100, and 100 is not a power of 2.

Duncan Murdoch

> Is there any way how can I check on not to crush in such a problems. I
> remind you, I do not count with irrational or other "neverending" numbers.
> Regrads,
> Zroutik
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch at stats.uwo.ca>wrote:
>> On 2/12/2009 10:20 AM, Žroutík wrote:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> given a fresh rgui.exe load on winxp OS, I enter (a minimal exaple)
>>> n <- 12.357531
>>> Then the following command:
>>> n <- (n - floor(n))*10; n
>>> gives the following outputs:
>>> [1] 3.57531
>>> [1] 5.7531
>>> [1] 7.531
>>> [1] 5.31
>>> [1] 3.1
>>> [1] 1         === still as expected
>>> [1] 10        === not expected, count with me: 1 - floor(1) is zero, times
>>> 10 gives 0, not 10!!!!
>> You are assuming that when R prints "1", the value is exactly 1.  But try
>> this:
>>> 0.999999999
>> [1] 1
>>> 0.999999999 == 1
>> [1] FALSE
>> R rounds values when it prints them, because people don't want to see ugly
>> output like this:
>>> options(digits=18):
>>> n <- 12.357531
>>> n <- (n - floor(n))*10; n
>> [1] 3.5753100
>>> n <- (n - floor(n))*10; n
>> [1] 5.75309999999998
>>> n <- (n - floor(n))*10; n
>> [1] 7.530999999999821
>>> n <- (n - floor(n))*10; n
>> [1] 5.30999999999821
>>> n <- (n - floor(n))*10; n
>> [1] 3.099999999982117
>>> n <- (n - floor(n))*10; n
>> [1] 0.999999999821171
>> And the reason you see such ugly output is because you are working with a
>> number that can't be represented exactly in binary floating point.
>> Duncan Murdoch
>>  [1] 10        === should stay forever zero (0)
>>> [1] 10
>>> [1] 9.999998
>>> [1] 9.999982
>>> [1] 9.999821
>>> [1] 9.998212
>>> The sama happens with trunc().
>>> e.g. (a minimal exaple)
>>> n <- 0.245
>>> n <- (n - trunc(n))*10; n
>>> [1] 2.45
>>> [1] 4.5
>>> [1] 5
>>> [1] 1.776357e-13 ===== zero expected!!!
>>> [1] 1.776357e-12
>>> And I'm asking "what the heck?!" and where is the bug in my examples? Any
>>> suggestion well appreciated.
>>> p.s. The expression with floor() and trunc() are to be implemented in a
>>> function which gives a value equal precision order of the given number.
>>> e.g.
>>> 12.345 would have (-3), 12.1 would have (-1), 12 would have (0) and e.g.
>>> 12000 would have the order of the precision (4). Basically, it is the
>>> order
>>> of the last given non-zero digit.
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