[R] Read.table not reading in all columns

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Thu Feb 19 12:08:02 CET 2009

I'd suggest to make the data available on the web. Then we can take a 
closer look. You or some mail tool in between removed the tabs from the 
message, hence we cannot reproduce in any way.

Uwe Ligges

Sally wrote:
> Hello,
> I am reading in a file called fit2.txt (Limma).  fit2.txt has 38 columns but when I dim(fit2) I only get 6 columns.  The first column that it does not read in is df.residual.
> fit2<-read.table(fit2, file="fit2.txt",sep="\t",quote="",comment.char="",as.is=TRUE) 
> The first few lines of fit2.txt (does not include all 38 columns) looks like this:
>       coefficients.s0vss24 coefficients.s24vss48 coefficients.s48vss96 coefficients.c0vsc24 coefficients.c24vsc48 coefficients.c48vsc96 df.residual sigma stdev.unscaled.s0vss24 
>       U179971039 0.058663 0.087575 0.074886 0.099245 -0.18102 0.311904 20 0.176096 
>       empty1 -0.1296 -0.09105 0.238859 -0.25477 0.063964 0.386198 20 0.34345 
>       empty2 0.136259 0.398073 0.158244 0.175756 -0.10171 0.356534 20 0.425968 
>       empty3 0.446041 -0.33997 0.345333 0.023821 -0.00783 0.119907 20 0.294745 
>       empty4 0.097918 0.168314 0.096333 -0.37584 0.268128 -0.10736 20 0.247398 
>       empty5 -0.07256 0.133791 0.086718 0.078185 -0.19707 -0.4144 20 0.342228 
>       empty6 0.013663 0.028841 -0.164 0.003989 0.21666 -0.13302 20 0.227787 
>       empty7 -0.09123 0.006704 0.357164 -0.23903 -0.01792 0.107122 20 0.309987 
>       empty8 0.164526 0.012946 0.130663 0.526142 -0.68847 0.144673 20 0.276618 
>       CA054869 0.78055 0.723824 0.491332 0.000452 -0.00143 0.810123 20 0.787196 
>       CB490276 -0.43612 0.481221 0.19325 -0.83793 0.611478 0.710366 20 0.800111 
>       CA769480 1.201204 -3.45015 -3.58526 -0.28248 -4.21731 -2.75097 20 1.847347 
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