[R] Importing zoo object ("index contains NAs")

Rob Denniker bearmarketsrule at inbox.com
Thu Feb 26 05:29:36 CET 2009

Dear list,

I have an irregular time series saved and exported as a zoo object. What is the trick to force zoo to ignore the missing dates when reading it back in? Thanks.

> str(g)
‘zoo’ series from 1948-11-02 to 2012-11-06
  Data: num [1:14881, 1:8] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  ..$ : NULL
  ..$ : chr [1:8] "session" "midterm" "day.of.wk" "elapsed" ...
  Index: Class 'Date'  num [1:14881] -7730 -7303 -7302 -7301 -7300 ...

> write.zoo(g, file = "gdata.txt", index.name = "date", append = F, quote = T, sep = ",")

> h <- read.zoo("gdata.txt", sep = ",", format = "Y-%m-%d")
Error in read.zoo("gdata.txt", sep = ",", format = "Y-%m-%d") : 
  index contains NAs

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