[R] Problem with FAME

Boriss Boriss at gmx.net
Tue Jan 20 09:11:42 CET 2009

Dear All,

I wonder whether anyone has an experience with FAME package written by Jeff Hallman. All my attempts to send him the following problem report did not succeed (the mail system says that my e-mail could not be delivered), so I turn for help to this list.

I tried to use your FAME package written for R, but somehow I cannot get it working. I am using Windows XP and the newest R installation version 2.8.1.


For example, if I run the following code I get the following error message:



mydb <- "O:/FameDB/national.db"


fameWhats(mydb,"TS21555100",getDoc = T)



> library(fame)

> mydb <- "O:/FameDB/national.db"

> mydb

[1] "O:/FameDB/national.db"

> fameWhats(mydb,"TS21555100",getDoc = T)

Fehler in fameWhats(mydb, "TS21555100", getDoc = T) : 

  cannot read O:/FameDB/national.db

Zusätzlich: Warning message:

In system(paste("test -r", path), intern = F) : test nicht gefunden

> getfame("TS21555100",mydb)

Fehler in getfame("TS21555100", mydb) : cannot read O:/FameDB/national.db

Zusätzlich: Warning message:

In system(paste("test -r", path), intern = F) : test nicht gefunden




I have a German installation and the phrase „test nicht gefunden“ means “the test has not been found”.


We have a running version of FAME at our institute and from within FAME I can download this variable without problem:

$open national 

whats TS21555100




Offene Datenbanken: NATIONAL





                  KOF: Vollzeitaequivalente Beschaeftigung (in 1000 Pers.)  


Class:  SERIES                                                             DB name:  NATIONAL

Type:   NUMERIC                                                            Created:  27-Nov-08

Index:  DATE:QUARTERLY                                                     Updated:  27-Nov-08


First Value at: 75:3                                                       Observed: SUMMED

Last Value at:  08:3                                                       Basis:    DAILY


OVERLAY(TS21560100, TS21555100)


„Vollzeitaequivalente Beschaeftigung“ stands for „Full-time equivalent employment“




Also, I have the same error message when I run the code from the manual:


> seriesA <- tis(1:24,start=c(2002,1),freq =12)

> seriesB <- tis(1:104, start = c(2002, 1), tif = "wmonday")

> documentation(seriesB) <- paste("Line", 1:4, "of seriesB documentation")

> putfame(c(mser = "seriesA", wser = "seriesB"), db = "myfame.db")

Warning message:

In system(paste("test -r", path), intern = F) : test nicht gefunden



In the CRAN webpage I read that „ The fame package can access Fame time series databases (but also requires a Fame backend). The tis package provides time indices and time-indexed series compatible with Fame frequencies. ” However, I don’t understand what “a Fame backend” means and how it can be useful for running your package?


Thank you for your help.


Best wishes,


Boriss Siliverstovs


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