[R] glm binomial loglog (NOT cloglog) link

Ken Knoblauch ken.knoblauch at inserm.fr
Fri Jan 23 19:04:33 CET 2009

William Simpson <william.a.simpson <at> gmail.com> writes:
> I would like to do an R glm() with
> family = binomial(link="loglog")
> Right now, the cloglog link exists, which is nice when the data have a
> heavy tail to the left. I have the opposite case and the loglog link
> is what I need. Can someone suggest how to add the loglog link onto
> glm()? It would be lovely to have it there by default, and it
> certainly makes sense to have the two opposite cases cloglog and
> loglog.
> Thanks for any help.
> Bill
Look at the example under ?family for how to write
a user-specified link and the source of the make.link
function can be useful to.


Ken Knoblauch
Inserm U846
Institut Cellule Souche et Cerveau
Département Neurosciences Intégratives
18 avenue du Doyen Lépine
69500 Bron
tel: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 77
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