[R] Extract the P-value from of permutation tests

Imri bisrael at agri.huji.ac.il
Mon Jul 20 09:54:14 CEST 2009

I’m trying to do multiply permutation tests, my code look like:
 >one.test<- function(x,y){

+ xstar<-sample(x)

+ anova(lm(y ~ xstar))

+ }

>z<-function(x) replicate (1000,one.test(x,BPH)$"F value"[1])  # gives me
1000 permute F values

> perm_Fvalue<- apply(assoc_BPH[,3:900],2,z)

>a <- function(x) anova(lm(BPH ~ x))$"F value”[1]  # # give me the reals F

> real_F <- apply(assoc_BPH[,3:900],2,a)

#  How can I attach the “real_F” function  and a calculation function for
the new P-value  to the original z function, so by 

>  apply(assoc_BPH[,3:900],2,z)

I will get the new P-value for each variable?

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