[R] Superscripts and rounding

ehux emily.huxter at ec.gc.ca
Thu Jul 30 17:32:18 CEST 2009

I'd need access to the whole data file.  I tried exporting some data from
the website for it but it got too complex for me!  (oh right you need the
HYDAT package - sorry about that) =)

However, it seems to me you have two chunks of data: you got it!!! 

stn[flow] - which has daily flow data in it? Correct
stn[metadata] which i guess is a header for the whole dataset -describing
what it is. Correct

Below is a small section of the data. I tried copying and pasting your new
sub = code but i still get the same error. It is so weird it should work the
logic is there!!! 

> str(Lyons)
List of 3
 $ metadata:List of 7
  ..$ id           : chr "11AB075"
  ..$ latitude     : num 49
  ..$ longitude    : num -109
  ..$ provstate    : chr "SK"
  ..$ grossarea    : num 174
  ..$ effectivearea: num 136
 $ flow    :List of 7
  ..$ daily               :'data.frame':        28124 obs. of  3 variables:
  .. ..$ date :Class 'Date'  num [1:28124] -15706 -15705 -15704 -15703
-15702 ...
  .. ..$ value: num [1:28124] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
  .. ..$ flag : Factor w/ 4 levels "","B","E","A": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  ..$ monthly             :'data.frame':        924 obs. of  4 variables:
  .. ..$ year : int [1:924] 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927
1927 ...
  .. ..$ month: int [1:924] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
  .. ..$ value: num [1:924] NA NA 0.466 2.49 1.46 ...
  .. ..$ flag : Factor w/ 1 level "": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  ..$ annual              :'data.frame':        19 obs. of  3 variables:
  .. ..$ year : num [1:19] 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 ...
  .. ..$ value: num [1:19] 0.167 0 0.004 0 0.04 ...
  .. ..$ flag : chr [1:19] "" "" "" "" ...
  ..$ annual.maxima       :'data.frame':        77 obs. of  3 variables:
  .. ..$ date :Class 'Date'  num [1:77] -15564 -15249 -14821 -14519 -14245
  .. ..$ value: num [1:77] 14.3 10.7 0.603 10.7 0 ...
  .. ..$ flag : chr [1:77] "" "B" "" "B" ...
  ..$ annual.minima       :'data.frame':        77 obs. of  3 variables:
  .. ..$ date :Class 'Date'  num [1:77] -15647 -15281 -14916 -14610 -14245
  .. ..$ value: num [1:77] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  .. ..$ flag : chr [1:77] "" "B" "" "" ...
  ..$ instantaneous.maxima:'data.frame':        62 obs. of  4 variables:
  .. ..$ date    : chr [1:62] "1927-04-03 19:00:00" "1928-04-02 00:00:00"
"1929-06-11 00:00:00" "1930-04-02 07:00:00" ...
  .. ..$ timezone: chr [1:62] "MS" "  " "  " "MS" ...
  .. ..$ value   : num [1:62] 18.9 15.8 0.796 12.4 0.708 ...
  .. ..$ flag    : chr [1:62] "" "B" "" "B" ...
  ..$ daily.flag.summary  :List of 2
  .. ..$ by.year      :'data.frame':    77 obs. of  6 variables:
  .. .. ..$ year   : num [1:77] 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 ...
  .. .. ..$ A      : int [1:77] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  .. .. ..$ B      : int [1:77] 12 40 0 61 0 0 0 51 0 0 ...
  .. .. ..$ E      : int [1:77] 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  .. .. ..$ MISSING: int [1:77] 120 118 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  .. .. ..$ NOFLAG : int [1:77] 233 206 305 301 365 366 365 314 365 366 ...
  .. ..$ by.month.year:'data.frame':    924 obs. of  7 variables:
  .. .. ..$ year   : num [1:924] 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 ...
  .. .. ..$ month  : num [1:924] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
  .. .. ..$ A      : int [1:924] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  .. .. ..$ B      : int [1:924] 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  .. .. ..$ E      : int [1:924] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  .. .. ..$ MISSING: int [1:924] 31 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  .. .. ..$ NOFLAG : int [1:924] 0 0 31 18 31 30 31 31 30 31 ...
 $ level   : NULL
   date value flag
22536 1988-09-12  0.000     
22537 1988-09-13  0.000     
22538 1988-09-14  0.000     
22539 1988-09-15  0.000     
22540 1988-09-16  0.000     
22541 1988-09-17  0.000     
22542 1988-09-18  0.000     
22543 1988-09-19  0.000     
22544 1988-09-20  0.000     
22545 1988-09-21  0.000     
22546 1988-09-22  0.000     
22547 1988-09-23  0.000     
22548 1988-09-24  0.000     

    year month value flag
1   1927     1    NA     
2   1927     2    NA     
3   1927     3 0.466     
4   1927     4 2.490     
5   1927     5 1.460     
6   1927     6 0.042     
7   1927     7 0.318     
8   1927     8 0.020     
9   1927     9 0.000     
10  1927    10 0.000     
11  1927    11    NA     
12  1927    12    NA     
13  1928     1    NA     
14  1928     2    NA     
15  1928     3 0.184     
16  1928     4 1.200     
17  1928     5 0.008     
18  1928     6 0.000     
19  1928     7 0.000     

   year value flag
1  1930 0.167     
2  1931 0.000     
3  1932 0.004     
4  1933 0.000     
5  1934 0.040     
6  1935 0.072     
7  1936 0.061     
9  1937    NA     
10 1938    NA     
11 1939    NA     
12 1940    NA     

         date  value flag
1  1927-05-23 14.300     
2  1928-04-02 10.700    B
3  1929-06-04  0.603     
4  1930-04-02 10.700    B
5  1931-01-01  0.000     
6  1932-06-11  0.362     
7  1933-01-01  0.000     
8  1934-03-03  2.520    B
9  1935-04-13  7.020     
10 1936-04-12 11.000     
11 1937-04-09  2.800     
12 1938-04-09  3.140    B
13 1939-03-22 10.500     
14 1940-04-21 15.100     
15 1941-03-22  8.070     

         date value flag
1  1927-03-01     0     
2  1928-03-01     0    B
3  1929-03-01     0     
4  1930-01-01     0     
5  1931-01-01     0     
6  1932-01-01     0     
7  1933-01-01     0     
8  1934-01-01     0     
9  1935-01-01     0     
10 1936-01-01     0     
11 1937-01-01     0     
12 1938-03-01     0     

                  date timezone  value flag
1  1927-04-03 19:00:00       MS 18.900     
2  1928-04-02 00:00:00          15.800    B
3  1929-06-11 00:00:00           0.796     
4  1930-04-02 07:00:00       MS 12.400    B
5  1932-06-10 19:00:00       MS  0.708     
6  1934-03-03 07:00:00       MS  3.260    B
7  1935-04-13 07:00:00       MS 12.800     
8  1936-04-12 18:00:00       MS 14.300     
9  1937-04-09 05:00:00       MS  5.210     
10 1938-03-25 18:30:00       MS  4.110     
11 1939-03-23 01:00:00       MS 17.100     

1  1927  0 12  0     120    233
2  1928  0 40  2     118    206
3  1929  0  0  1      59    305
4  1930  0 61  3       0    301
5  1931  0  0  0       0    365
6  1932  0  0  0       0    366
7  1933  0  0  0       0    365
8  1934  0 51  0       0    314
9  1935  0  0  0       0    365
10 1936  0  0  0       0    366
11 1937  0  0  0      61    304
12 1938  0 13  1     120    231
13 1939  0  0  0     120    245
14 1940  0  2  2     121    241
15 1941  0  0  0     120    245
16 1942  0  5  0     120    240
17 1943  0  0  0     120    245

    year month  A  B  E MISSING NOFLAG
1   1927     1  0  0  0      31      0
2   1927     2  0  0  0      28      0
3   1927     3  0  0  0       0     31
4   1927     4  0 12  0       0     18
5   1927     5  0  0  0       0     31
6   1927     6  0  0  0       0     30
7   1927     7  0  0  0       0     31
8   1927     8  0  0  0       0     31
9   1927     9  0  0  0       0     30
10  1927    10  0  0  0       0     31
11  1927    11  0  0  0      30      0
12  1927    12  0  0  0      31      0
13  1928     1  0  0  0      31      0
14  1928     2  0  0  0      29      0

decade <- subset(stn[['flow']][['daily']], date >= dates[1] & date <=

So I recreated what i hope might be simillar to part of your data (using lst
instead of stn as the vector/array/list name)

# Build an array containing a lat & long.
info <- data.frame(latitude=1.0005689, longitude=55.698754)
#display result
#  latitude longitude
#1 1.000569  55.69875
#create a list (called lst) with an object metadata in it containing the
lst <- list (metadata=info)
#display result
#  latitude longitude
#1 1.000569  55.69875

#check if can call a single piece of data using the square brackets as
#[1] 55.69875

#now try rounding that
> round (lst[['metadata']][['longitude']], digits=2)
[1] 55.7

#now try sprintf'ing that
sprintf('Seasonal station with natural streamflow - Lat: %s', round
(lst[['metadata']][['longitude']], digits=2))
# [1] "Seasonal station with natural streamflow - Lat: 55.7"

#now try that in a plot
plot(1,1, sub=sprintf('Seasonal station with natural streamflow - Lat: %s',
round (lst[['metadata']][['longitude']], digits=2)))
# results in a correct label ;-)

Its possible to refer to that same value in the following ways:

> lst$metadata   # same as lst[['metadata']]
  latitude longitude
1 1.000569  55.69875
> lst$metadata[['longitude']] # same as lst[['metadata']][['longitude']]
[1] 55.69875
> lst$metadata$longitude # same as lst[['metadata']][['longitude']]
[1] 55.69875

So I'm stumped!  without being able to see the actual structure of your data
I can't figure out why you are getting an error!

BTW - was there a cut and paste error?  Your error message was reported as:

Error: unexpected symbol in:
"  sub = sprintf('Seasonal station with natural streamflow - Lat: %s Lon: %s
Gross Area %s km\UB2 - Effective Area %s km\UB2,
+ round( [['metadata"
> + round( [['metadata']][['longitude']], digits = 4),
Error: unexpected '[[' in "+ round( [["

The + on + round looks like the plus was typed. + shouldn't have been typed,
but also was there a missing quote after the \UB2.  You should have entered:

sub = sprintf('Seasonal station with natural streamflow - Lat: %s Lon: %s
Gross Area %s km\UB2 - Effective Area %s km\UB2 ',
round( [['metadata']][['latitude']], digits=4 ),
round( [['metadata']][['longitude']], digits = 4),
round( [['metadata']][['grossarea']], digits = 4),
round( [['metadata']][['effectivearea']], digits = 4))



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