[R] Revolutions blog: May roundup

David M Smith david at revolution-computing.com
Wed Jun 3 22:46:02 CEST 2009

I write about R every weekday at
http://blog.revolution-computing.com . In case you missed them, here
are some articles from last month of particular interest to R users.
Some of the best stories this month came from reader tips -- thanks,
and please keep the emails coming in!

http://bit.ly/19T3Hj links to info on how Bump Charts are done in
ggplot2 -- with a Kentucky Derby example.

http://bit.ly/nIXpt links to a video showing how Google uses R to
analyze TV ad effectiveness.

http://bit.ly/2sdrM links to a detailed example of using MCMCglmm for
mixed models on categorical data.

http://bit.ly/SQptx shows how to parallelize backtesting with
ParallelR and the foreach function.

http://bit.ly/LGM6u links to a tutorial on Support Vector Regression with R.

http://bit.ly/nACrh links to a profile of Ross Ihaka from the New
Zealand Herald in January.

http://bit.ly/DWSXC shows how to use the handy function tapply (with
some great alternatives in the comments).

http://bit.ly/eSeSj , based on an r-help thread, shows how to make
outlined text in charts.

http://bit.ly/zsKsX reviews articles about R in Finance in Wall Street
and Technology and Cnet News.

http://bit.ly/yJrra links to instructions for applying cloud computing
to R with Amazon EC2.

http://bit.ly/ODz5M investigates Zipf's power-law distribution for
cities, with log-log population plots.

http://bit.ly/NV1Le reveals how to find other R users on Twitter with
the #rstats hashtag.

http://bit.ly/1ayebn reviews the inaugural issue of the R Journal.

http://bit.ly/W4hPi links to a Wired article about Google using R to
model AdWords auctions.

http://bit.ly/AST4l links to an interview with me, by Ajay Ohri,
discussing Statistics, Science, R and REvolution Computing.

(I've provided short URLs above because many mailers break the long
direct URLs.)

Other non R-specific stories in May covered historical charts, maps of
sin, the meaning of "significance", cluster analysis, big data, and
more. Also, the R Community Calendar has been updated with many
forthcoming events related to R.

Comments and suggestions about the blog are welcome! (My email is
david at revolution-computing.com ).

Regards to all,
# David Smith

David M Smith <david at revolution-computing.com>
Director of Community, REvolution Computing www.revolution-computing.com
Tel: +1 (206) 577-4778 x3203 (San Francisco, USA)

Check out our upcoming events schedule at www.revolution-computing.com/events

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