[R] Austria, September, 2009: Statistical Learning and Data Mining Course

Trevor Hastie hastie at stanford.edu
Thu Jun 11 03:16:48 CEST 2009

Short course: Statistical Learning and Data Mining III:
  Ten Hot Ideas for Learning from Data

Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

Danube University
Krems, Austria
25-26 September 2009

This two-day course gives a detailed overview of statistical models for
 data mining, inference and prediction. With the rapid developments in
 internet technology, genomics, financial risk modeling, and other
 high-tech industries, we rely increasingly more on data analysis and
 statistical models to exploit the vast amounts of data at our

 In this course we emphasize the tools useful for tackling modern-day
 data analysis problems. From the vast array of tools available, we have
 selected what we consider are the most relevant and exciting. Our
 top-ten list of topics are:

  * Regression and Logistic Regression (two golden oldies),
  * Lasso and Related Methods,
  * Support Vector and Kernel Methodology,
  * Principal Components (SVD) and Variations: sparse SVD, supervised PCA,
    Multidimensional Scaling and Isomap, Nonnegative Matrix
     Factorization, and  Local Linear Embedding,
  * Boosting, Random Forests and Ensemble Methods,
  * Rule based methods (PRIM),
  * Graphical Models,
  * Cross-Validation,
  * Bootstrap,
  * Feature Selection, False Discovery Rates and Permutation Tests.

The material is based on recent papers by ourselves and other
 researchers, as well as the new second edition of our book:

Elements of Statistical Learning: data mining, inference and prediction

Hastie, Tibshirani & Friedman, Springer-Verlag, 2009 (second edition)


 A copy of this book will be given to all attendees.
  The lectures will consist of video-projected presentations and

This European  edition of our course is organized by Prof. Michael G. 
Schimek ,
who has been teaching in this field for about 10 years at various 
universities in Europe.

for more information and registration instructions.

  Trevor Hastie                                  hastie at stanford.edu
  Professor & Chair, Department of Statistics, Stanford University
  Phone: (650) 725-2231 (Statistics)	         Fax: (650) 725-8977
	 (650) 498-5233 (Biostatistics)		 Fax: (650) 725-6951
  URL: http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~hastie
  address: room 104, Department of Statistics, Sequoia Hall
	          390 Serra Mall, Stanford University, CA 94305-4065

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