[R] par and a substitute for mtext to write one time a title per page

Aldi Kraja aldi at wustl.edu
Tue Mar 3 20:53:53 CET 2009

RE: par and a substitute for mtext to write one time a title per page

Q1. Is there way I can set mfg =c(2,1) which for me could have meant 2 
pages and no split on the columns per page; and mfrow =c(4,1) which for 
me it means 4 graphs per page in the par function?
So if I have a pdf/png etc file I will output two pages with 4 graphs 
for each, or modifiable depending on the case of data?
I obtain the following:

Error in par(mfg = c(2, 1), mfrow = c(4, 1)) :
  parameter "i" in "mfg" is out of range

1. open outstream: pdf(file="some_address_and_file.pdf")
2. do the corresponding loop to prepare the graphs for specific data
3. plot 2 or more pages of graphs with 4 graphs per page
4. close the outstream.

Q2: with mtext function I can write in the outter margin including a 
title as a header.
Is there another way to write a title one time per page in these 
multiple graphs, so I can save the graphs space per page?

Thank you in advance,



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